2. 分野別
  3. 国際交流部会
  4. [受付終了/Application closed]9月17日(火)留学生対象 スタディツアー in 小国 / Tuesday, September 17th, Study tour in Oguni for international students


[受付終了/Application closed]9月17日(火)留学生対象 スタディツアー in 小国 / Tuesday, September 17th, Study tour in Oguni for international students




Applications are now closed. Thank you for many applications.

The result of participants was noticed by email on September 2nd.
Please check your email box. If you can’t find it, please check your spam box either.




熊本にいる留学生を対象に、スタディツアー in 小国 を企画しました。

日  時: 9月17日(火)7:50集合(予定)←詳細は申込後にメールで案内します。

集合場所: 熊本市民会館シアーズホーム夢ホール 前(熊本市中央区桜町1−3)

募集人数: 留学生18名  


Hello, everyone!! We have organized a study tour in Oguni for international students in Kumamoto. 

You will learn about the culture and nature of Oguni and Aso, the northern area in Kumamoto Prefecture. We will visit the Shibasaburo Kitasato Museum, Nabegataki (Falls), and Daikanbo.

Dr. Shibasaburo Kitazato, known as a bacteriologist who developed a cure for tetanus, was born in Oguni Town and made great achievements in the field of medicine. You can learn more about him at the Museum.

His portrait is designed on the new 1,000-yen bill now!! 

It is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th. We’ll meet you at 7:50 in front of the Kumamoto Civic Auditorium, Sears Home Yume Hall.

If you are interested in this tour, please register by August 29 (Thu.) using the Google form below.

We will contact you by e-mail after applying for more information. Please register our domain “@consortium-kumamoto.jp”, because it may be in spam. Thank you in advance!


Date and time: Tuesday, September 17th, Meet up at 7:50 am

Venue: Kumamoto Civic Auditorium, Sears Home Yume Hall
(Sakuramachi 1-3, Chuo-Ward, Kumamoto City)

Number of participants: 18 International students


申し込み方法/ How to apply

Application/ 申込みフォーム


●8月29日(木)16時 までに申し込みをお願いします。

●Application period: 4:00 pm, Thursday, August 29th 
☆If there are a large number of applicants, a lottery will be held.
☆The results will be notified by email on Tuesday, September 3rd.


スタディツアー小国チラシ/ Flyer(PDFチラシ: 314KB)




道の駅大津 休憩





④ 昼食 そば定食

 メニュー そば、そばがゆ、葛豆腐、小鉢、漬物、そばシャーベットなど

鍋ヶ滝公園 見学


大観峰 見学




【Tour Overview】

(1) Depart from Kumamoto City

(2) Short stop at the Michi no Eki Ozu 

(3) Shibasaburo Kitazato Museum

Dr. Shibasaburo Kitazato, whose face was printed on the new 1,000 yen bill, was born in Oguni Town, Kumamoto Prefecture.
He was a bacteriologist who developed a cure for tetanus.
The museum director will explain the process in both Japanese and English.

北里柴三郎記念館パンフレット(日・英)  ←Click to download.(PDF89.9MB)

(4) Lunch: soba set 

 It includes several kinds of buckwheat noodles.
 This is not Halal-compliant.
 *If you are concerned, you may bring something to eat.
 *Many dishes contain buckwheat. If you are allergic to buckwheat, you cannot eat them.

(5) Visit Nabegataki Falls

At Nabigataki Falls, you will be walking in the mountains. Please wear clothes that can get wet and comfortable walking shoes.
You can enter the backside of the falls, but there is a possibility of getting wet. A change of clothes and shoes would be helpful.

(6) Visit Daikanbo

(7) 熊本市に帰着

*Visit locations and times may vary depending on traffic conditions.
* If you are prone to car sickness, please bring an anti-sickness medicine since the bus passes through mountain roads.











Participants in this event will be covered by insurance with application in advance. Therefore, please fill in the necessary information.
The personal information you provide will be used for this event only.

Transportation to the venue is at your own expense. If you are coming by bicycle, please park at a bicycle parking lot nearby.

Photos taken at the event may be used for reporting or public relations.


Please refrain from participating if you feel sick (fever, cough, or other cold symptoms) on the day. If so, please be sure to contact us.

Many applications are limited. There is a waiting list, so please contact us immediately if you cannot attend. Thank you for your cooperation.
