[終了/Closed]12/18(日)留学生対象バスツアー 人吉・球磨の文化と蔵めぐり / Sunday, December 18th, One-day Cultural Trip to Hitoyoshi

定員に達しましたので受付を終了します。 11月17日(木) 10:10現在
The reception is closed because the capacity has been reached.
As of 10:10 am, November 17
Thank you very much for your application.
球磨焼酎酒造組合主催、人吉・球磨の文化と蔵めぐり を開催します。人吉市を訪問し、本格焼酎の製造方法や飲み方ついて学びます。
Dear international students in Kumamoto!!
What kind of alcohol do you usually drink? There are many kinds of liquor in the world, such as beer, whiskey, vodka, shochu, etc.
Generally speaking of Kumamoto, it is authentic shochu “Kuma shochu”.
Hosted by the Kuma Shochu Maker’s Association, a tour of the culture and distilleries of Hitoyoshi and Kuma. We will visit Hitoyoshi City and learn how to make and drink authentic shochu.
It is scheduled for Sunday, December 18th. We’ll meet you at 8:45 in front of the Kumamoto City International Center.
If you are interested, please apply by Wednesday, November 30 from the Google form below.
【Notice】Registration will start at 10:00 am on Thursday, November 17.→The reception is closed now.
We will contact you by e-mail after applying for more information. Please register our domain “@consortium-kumamoto.jp”, because it may be in spam. Thank you in advance!
開催日時: 12月18日(日)8:45集合(予定)←詳細は申込後にメールで案内します。
集合場所: 熊本市国際交流会館前(熊本市中央区花畑町4−18)
募集人数:20名 (先着順、20歳以上でお酒の試飲が可能な留学生)
申込期間:11月17日(木) 10時開始 ~ →終了しました。
Date and time: Sunday, December 18th, meet up at 8:45 am
Venue: Kumamoto City International Center
(Hanabata 4-18, Chuo-Ward, Kumamoto City)
Number of participants:20 applicants
*Participants: International students who are over 20 years old and be able to drink alcohol.
*Accepted on a first-come, first-served basis
Application start: 10:00 am, Thursday, December 17th→The reception is closed now.
Application deadline: Wednesday, November 30th
*The reception will be closed when the capacity is reached.
*Submitting the application form does not complete your participation. Once we received your application form, we will send you a registration confirmation for the tour.
【留学生用/For International student】
人吉ツアーチラシ/Flyer(PDFチラシ: 444KB)
【Tour Overview】
(1) Depart from Kumamoto City
(2) In Hitoyoshi City, visit “Kuma Shochu Museum“
(3) Lunch (Japanese lunch box)
*Lunch is at your own expense. You can order Japanese style lunch box with a bottled water for 800 yen. If you wish to order a lunch box, please bring 800 yen. We will collect it on the day.
**Please bring your lunch if you do not wish to order a lunch box. (It is not possible to order it on the day. There are no shops near the venue.)
(4) Visit Aoi Aso Shrine (one of the National Treasures of Japan)
(5) Visit Sengetsu Shuzo (Shochu Distiller)
(6) Return to Kumamoto City
The tour may be canceled depending on the spread of COVID-19.
Participants in this event will be covered by insurance with application in advance. Therefore, please fill in the necessary information.
The personal information you provide will be used for this event only.
During the tour, we will take measures against corona infections. Please wear a mask and disinfect your hands.
Eating and drinking on the bus are prohibited except for hydration with PET bottled beverages, according to the bus company’s regulations.
Transportation to the venue is at your own expense.
After you drink any alcohol, you are not allowed to ride a bicycle or drive a car by Japanese law. Please come to the meeting place by public transportation or on foot.
Photos taken at the event may be used for reporting or public relations.
If you feel sick (fever, cough, or other cold symptoms) on the day, please refrain from participating. In that case, please be sure to contact us.
This time, in order to prevent corona infection, we prepared a limited number of applications. Please do not cancel without contact as it will deprive other international students of an opportunity to participate. If you are unable to participate, please contact us immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.