2. お知らせ
  3. [終了/ Closed]11月26日(土)留学生対象 スタディツアー in 山鹿 / Saturday, November 26th, Study tour in Yamaga for international students



[終了/ Closed]11月26日(土)留学生対象 スタディツアー in 山鹿 / Saturday, November 26th, Study tour in Yamaga for international students


11月15日(火)現在 大学コンソーシアム熊本事務局 
We sent the result by email. Please check your email box.
If you can’t find it, please contact us by email or phone.
As of November 15 
Tel: 096-342-3924
Email: onestop*consortium-kumamoto.jp

*Please change * to @ and send your email.

定員に達しましたので受付を終了します。  11月11日(金) 12:30現在

The reception is closed because the capacity has been reached.  
As of 12:30 pm, November 11 

Thank you very much for your application.



食欲の秋!芸術の秋!熊本に留学生している皆様も、それぞれの秋を楽しんでいるでしょうか。熊本にいる留学生を対象に、スタディツアー in 山鹿 を企画しました。山鹿市を訪問し、伝統芸能である灯籠踊りや、熊本県伝統工芸品である「来民うちわ」の作り方について学びます。




We can enjoy this autumn season in Kumamoto. How are you doing?

Let’s go to Yamaga City with other international and Japanese students in Kumamoto!! We’ll visit Yachiyoza theatre and experience “Kutami Uchiwa (Traditional Japanese fun)” craft workshop. 

It is scheduled for Saturday, November 26th. We’ll meet you at 8:45 in front of the Kumamoto City International Center.

【Notice】Registration will start at 10:00 am on Friday, November 11. The reception is closed now.

We will contact you by e-mail after applying for more information. Please register our domain “@consortium-kumamoto.jp”, because it may be in spam.  Thank you in advance!

日  時: 11月26日(土)8:45集合(予定)←詳細は申込後にメールで案内します。

集合場所: 熊本市国際交流会館前(熊本市中央区花畑町4−18)

募集人数:30名 (先着順、13日の阿蘇ツアーに参加していない留学生を優先)

申込期間:11月11日(金) 10時開始 ~ 11月16日(水)締切 →受付は終了しました。




Date and time: Saturday, November 26th, Meet up at 8:45 am

Venue: Kumamoto City International Center
(Hanabata 4-18, Chuo-Ward, Kumamoto City)


Number of participants:30 applicants

Application start: 10:00 am, Friday, November 11th →The reception is closed now.

Application deadline: Wednesday, November 16th

*The reception will be closed when the capacity is reached.

*First-come, first-served basis, priority is given to those who have not participated in the previous tour.

*Submitting the application form does not complete your participation. Once we received your application form, we will send you a registration confirmation for the tour. 




【留学生用/For International student】



【日本人学生用/For Japanese student】



山鹿ツアーチラシ/Flyer(PDFチラシ: 743KB)




②山鹿市 国指定重要文化財「八千代座」にて『八千代座物語~山鹿灯籠踊り定期公演~』舞台鑑賞

③山鹿市 鹿本市民センターにて昼食(和風弁当)


④山鹿市 鹿本市民センターにて来民うちわ製作体験
⑤熊本県伝統工芸品 来民渋団扇(くたみ しぶ うちわ)工房見学



【Tour Overview】

(1) Depart from Kumamoto City
(2) In Yamaga City, visit “Yamaga Lantern Folkcraft Museum

(3) Vist Yachiyoza Theatre and watch a Yamaga Lantern Dance

(4) Lunch (Japanese lunch box)
  *It is not halal-compatible. It doesn’t contain alcohol, pork, or beef.
  *If you worry about it, you can bring something to eat. 
   *There is no store or restaurant to get lunch in the area.

(5) Create your own Kutami Uchiwa (Traditional Japanese Fan)

(6) Visit Kutami Uchiwa craft shop 
(7) Return to Kumamoto City 











Participants in this event will be covered by insurance with application in advance. Therefore, please fill in the necessary information.
The personal information you provide will be used for this event only.

During the tour, we will take measures against corona infections. Please wear a mask and disinfect your hands.
Eating and drinking on the bus are prohibited except for hydration with PET bottled beverages, according to the bus company’s regulations. 

Transportation to the venue is at your own expense. If you are coming by bicycle, please park at a bicycle parking lot nearby.

Photos taken at the event may be used for reporting or public relations.


If you feel sick (fever, cough, or other cold symptoms) on the day, please refrain from participating. In that case, please be sure to contact us.

This time, in order to prevent corona infection, we prepared a limited number of applications. Please do not cancel without contact as it will deprive other international students of an opportunity to participate. If you are unable to participate, please contact us immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.
