[受付終了]10/24(日)映画鑑賞 WATCHING MOVIE 『MINAMATA-ミナマタ-』
集合は、9:30 TOHOシネマズ サクラマチ熊本 4階 です。遅れないようにきてください。
Dear international students and Japanese students in Kumamoto!!
Thank you very much for your application. We send a e-mail for the day to everyone who applied.
*If you have not received it, please also check your spam folder.
We will meet at 9:30 TOHO Cinemas at Sakuramachi Kumamoto on the 4th floor. Please come not to be late.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all!!
新学期が始まりましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。熊本にいる留学生、日本人の学生さんと一緒に、熊本にまつわる映画を見に行きませんか?今回の企画は、映画鑑賞『MINAMATA ―ミナマタ― 』です。
The second semester has started. How are you doing? Let’s go to watch movie “MINAMATA” with international and Japanese students in Kumamoto!!
It is scheduled on Sunday, October 24th. We’ll meet you at 9:30 at TOHO CHINEMAS Kumamoto @SAKURAMACHI.
We will contact you by e-mail after applying for more information. Please register our domain “@consortium-kumamoto.jp”, because it may be in spam. Thank you in advance!
日 時: 10月24日(日)9:30集合(予定)←詳細は申込後にメールで案内します。
集合場所: TOHOシネマズ サクラマチ熊本 4階
Minamata_Flyer (PDFチラシ: 401KB)
Please bring your student ID card on the day.
Participants in this event will be covered by insurance with application in advance. Therefore, please fill in the necessary information.
The personal information you provide will be used for this event only.
In the movie theater, we will take measures against corona infections. Please wear a mask and disinfect your hands.
Transportation to the venue is at your own expense. If you are coming by bicycle, please park at a bicycle parking lot nearby.
Photos taken at the event may be used for reporting or public relations.